In-between hardships and poverty, Filipino people could still smile and laugh...
In-between misery and misfortunes, Filipino people could still embrace....
And in-between hopes and false promises, people could still fight for their rights.
Alongside the many comedy scenes in the film THE SLUMS, one of the competing Shorts in this year's Cinemalaya 16, there were messages and a little learning, acceptance and forgiveness. That no matter how poor you could get, you would still have a good sweet taste of LIFE.
It's only that some people would try to exploit a poor family, just to create an issue out of it and further create things that went out of its proportions, THE SLUMS almost showed it all.
One better aspect of this short film were the actors and actresses who all performed in many fine ways, almost as perfect as they could get. Further attested, too, that raw actors always brings out the best in many independent films of experiment and style.
And in the end, you would conclude, that FAMILY would surely back you up, no matter what.
(as written by robert manuguid silverio)
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